Open door policy

Guidelines for guest authors

Synaps will publish authors who approach us with novel fieldwork and analysis reflecting our focus on bringing the “missing grassroots insight” to the surface. Guest authors must understand, however, that we will not merely “publish” them. 

Synaps ambitions to support guest authors in producing work of unusual depth, nuance, and stylistic quality. This requires involving Synaps in a series of steps throughout the research, analysis, and writing process, to include sharing and discussing fieldwork; agreeing on an outline; revisiting a draft as many times (and with as much support) as necessary; fine-grained editing; and final proofing.

In parallel, Synaps will request that guest authors themselves invest—again, with all the guidance required—in thinking through the publication’s visual design.

In recognition of the considerable, voluntary work involved on the part of Synaps staff, guest authors will be expected to collaborate with Synaps in designing and implementing a dissemination strategy—to include social media, personal outreach and, potentially, in-person engagements—and to promote Synaps itself, as an organization worthy of support for enabling quality work.

Illustration credit: open door policy by Flicker; wooden door by Pixabay / licensed by CC.